Author Topic: Winter storm leaves at least 4 dead and puts more than 17 million under tornado watch in Southeast  (Read 1940 times)

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Winter storm leaves at least 4 dead and puts more than 17 million under tornado watch in Southeast

 A wide-reaching winter storm pummeled much of the eastern half of the country Tuesday, knocking out power in several states and prompting the closure of highways, schools and government offices. Here’s the latest:

• Tornadoes threaten Southeast: Over 17 million people in the Southeast, from Florida up through Virginia, were under tornado watches issued by the Storm Prediction Center as of Tuesday afternoon. Twelve tornadoes were reported across Florida, Alabama and Georgia on Tuesday morning, causing significant damage and prompting rescues in Florida’s panhandle.

• Deaths reported in North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama: One person died and two were critically injured in a mobile home community in North Carolina’s Catawba County, according to county communications director Amy McCauley. She said the area sustained damage, adding the National Weather Service was evaluating if it was a tornado. In Georgia, a driver was killed while traveling on a highway after a tree fell on the vehicle. Clayton County police told CNN Tuesday that weather was a factor in the death. In Alabama, an 81-year-old woman was killed in Cottonwood when her mobile home repeatedly flipped during the storm, Houston County Commission Chairman Brandon Shoupe said. A second person in Alabama died when a tree fell on a vehicle, Birmingham fire and rescue Capt. Orlando Reynolds said Tuesday. .................
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Online Hoodat

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Wind has been gusting here all day and night.
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Got Snow on the backend... blew some of my Christmas decorations across the yard that I hadn't got put up yet...
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We were without power for two days. Basically, one wind blow in the wrong direction sent everything into chaos.

There are apparently still a few people out of power now, day 3.
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Offline DB

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We were without power for two days. Basically, one wind blow in the wrong direction sent everything into chaos.

There are apparently still a few people out of power now, day 3.

That's no fun. I assume it is very cold there too.

Online corbe

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   Since no hummingbirds have shown up since October, I took the feeder down today so it won't freeze this weekend.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.