Author Topic: Fox News hosted town hall with DeSantis concludes on the topic of abortion  (Read 152 times)

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Fox News hosted town hall with DeSantis concludes on the topic of abortion

DeSantis says he'll bring 'major accountability' to 'weaponized' government agencies

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that he will bring "major accountability" to "weaponized" government organizations if elected president.

DeSantis made the pledge during his Iowa Fox News town hall event on Tuesday, saying agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, and Department of Justice are "weaponized."

"I first saw it when I first ran for Congress," DeSantis said. "I had groups in my district where the IRS was targeting those conservative groups back there in 2012."

"And it's like a small nonprofit that just talking about the Constitution under Obama, they did it," DeSantis said. "No one was held accountable for doing that."

"So you're going to keep getting these outcomes until you have a president that comes in and drops the hammer," DeSantis also said.

The Florida governor said that Americans will "see major accountability because if we want to change the way this government operates, you've got to hold the people accountable who are responsible for the madness."

"And I will do that," he added...............

....................DeSantis declares 'we can never send American troops' to fight in Ukraine

GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis declared that "we can never send American troops over to fight in Ukraine."

DeSantis made the declaration during his Tuesday Fox News town hall in Iowa where he took shots at fellow Republican presidential candidate when asked to respond to her Monday remarks on the Ukraine war.

The Florida governor blasted Haley for her recent comment suggesting New Hampshire voters "correct" the electoral process started by Iowa voters as well as the former South Carolina governor's stance on Ukraine.

"We have a lot of challenges in national security. One is our own southern border," DeSantis said "And you have people like Nikki Haley that care more about the Ukraine border than she does about our own border here in the United States."

DeSantis noted that China is America's "number one threat" and cited his military service while calling for "more naval power in the Indo-Pacific to be able to deter China's ambitions.".............................
Romans 12:16-21

Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly, do not claim to be wiser than you are.  Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.  If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all…do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.