Eric Adams Says Story Told by Eric Adams Is Not True
Story by Nia Prater •
On Monday, Mayor Eric Adams said that a story reported last week that claimed he once accidentally fired a gun in school as a child is untrue, attributing the error to a misunderstanding during his weekly press briefing. However, the story in question reportedly came from Adams himself in a book he published 15 years earlier, when he was serving as a state senator in Brooklyn.
The website Byline first reported on the existence of the book last week: a 2009 volume of parental advice entitled Don’t Let It Happen written by Adams. The Amazon listing of the 152-page book describes it as “a life saving resource, designed to assist parents in detecting when their children are involved in an activity that can be harmful to themselves and/or other family members.”,
In its article, Byline featured an excerpt in which then–State Senator Adams recounts a childhood story about a friend who brought a gun to school and Adams, not believing it was real, grabbing the weapon: