Author Topic: Pence Says FBI Did Not Contribute to January 6 Capitol Protest, Cheers Arrest of More Than 1,200 Tru  (Read 1078 times)

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Pence Says FBI Did Not Contribute to January 6 Capitol Protest, Cheers Arrest of More Than 1,200 Trump Supporters (VIDEO)
by Cristina Laila Jan. 7, 2024 12:20 pm

Former Vice President Mike Pence appeared on CNN on Sunday to discuss the January 6 Capitol protest.

Pence told CNN’s “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper that the FBI did not contribute to the January 6 Capitol protest and cheered the arrest of more than 1,200 Trump supporters.

“I’ve heard the many repeated assurances from the FBI that they were not involved, and I take them at their word,” Pence said.

Pence said he takes FBI Director Christopher Wray at his word that the FBI did not instigate the riot.

“I’ve seen the director of the FBI repeatedly assure the American people that the FBI were not the instigators of the riot that occurred on January 6,” Pence said to Jake Tapper on Sunday. “And frankly I’m very grateful for the efforts of the FBI to bring nearly a thousand people to justice who ransacked our Capitol and did violence against police officers that day.”

Pence said he’s “pleased” that more than 1,000 – mainly peaceful – Trump supporters are locked up in the DC gulag.

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I’m not much for conspiracy theories

And I think anybody involved in riding on January 6 should face the law

But I don’t think I would take the FBI’s word on anything given the known history
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Did Pence just confirm he's an idiot, a tool of the left, or both? I have to wonder what the FederalBlackmailInstituition has on milquetoast Pence?

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I’m not much for conspiracy theories

And I think anybody involved in riding on January 6 should face the law

But I don’t think I would take the FBI’s word on anything given the known history

Nor would I believe anything that Pence says. He's a swamp creature.
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