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Baseball 2024

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--- Quote from: AllThatJazzZ on May 07, 2024, 02:24:41 am ---Here's a text I got from my son-in-law (a decades-long baseball fan who bleeds Dodger blue).

From the USA Today farm system rankings:

2) Houston Astros.... have not had a great farm system for quite some time now and perhaps that lack of attention to their lower levels is finally starting to take its toll... this team doesn't seem to have much going for it on the pitching side...

That "2" ranking is second-worst btw  😞

Isn't that what Jeff Luhnow was so good at? Was Dana Brown supposed to fill those shoes? What's Jim Crane's roll? Help me out, Astros fans. Who has let us down?

--- End quote ---
I have written 1000 word posts at baseball forums of how unfairly Luhnow was blamed for the cheating scandal.  I still stand by that 100%.

What you are witnessing is the dynasty that he built has been torn down systematically by the likes of Crane, Bagwell, and Dusty Baker.


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on May 07, 2024, 04:58:06 am ---

What you are witnessing is the dynasty that he built has been torn down systeatically by the likes of Crane, Bagwell, and Dusty Baker.

--- End quote ---


For what purpose?  :shrug:


--- Quote from: AllThatJazzZ on May 07, 2024, 05:38:49 am ---@catfish1957

For what purpose?  :shrug:

--- End quote ---

No purpose, just in the highly competitive world of MLB, competence reigns.  And Luhnow built the infrastructure of a team that competed at the highest level for 10 years.  We are now seeing the decline with post 2020 neglect. 

I'm so old, I remember the disappointment, when the Buffalo Bisons of the International League had their road games on radio.  Must have been 7 or 8 years old!

Found out there was no 'booth'... the pitches/plays were sent to the studio on "Ticker Tape" and that the play-by-play guys were acting them out...emotion and all!    9999hair out0000

No different than today, not having FIOS or CABLE TV and getting the play-by-play on ESPN internet and pretending that you're broadcasting the game in real time.


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on May 07, 2024, 12:47:53 pm ---No purpose, just in the highly competitive world of MLB, competence reigns.  And Luhnow built the infrastructure of a team that competed at the highest level for 10 years.  We are now seeing the decline with post 2020 neglect.

--- End quote ---


Okay. Maybe I misunderstood your use of "systematically."


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