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If Pedo Joe Bows Out... Who wll be the alternative?

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--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on January 12, 2024, 07:41:47 pm ---

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LOL, that was the line I was thinking of when I wrote that!



--- Quote from: GrouchoTex on January 12, 2024, 02:26:05 pm ---Nazis, I hate those guys!
(Whoops, wrong Harrison Ford movie)
I'm cool, worried about the the other 1/2 of the country though.

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Same sentiment LOL


--- Quote from: GrouchoTex on January 12, 2024, 02:21:39 pm ---Big Mike is getting in the media now, slowly warming up (or scaring) people into the idea that she is the next Oba Wan Kenonbi, our only hope :cool:

--- End quote ---


I'd say Briefers are saying the Cackler is toast.  Zip votes after a few weeks. 

Looking forward to giving negative Etsy and Yelp reviews to her stanky candles in '25. I got 2 or 3 aready planned  :cool:

If Joe Biden 'bows out', which is to bow as in saying goodbye and then out to leave, which is what bow out means, then he, that is he Joe Biden, will then be out of the race from bowing out. It means he has stopped running for President. And if Joe Biden, who is the current President, I see him around now and then, does 'bow out', then someone somewhere will have to run for President in his place, because he will no longer be running for President. Because he has quit his campaign and has essentially 'bowed out'. Which means he is no longer running for election.

Space is BIG ... Venn diagrams are wonderful ... I love school buses! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... uh HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... right? ... right? HAHAHAHAAHHA ... we all love school buses! right? right? (nodding her head to agree with herself and what she just said)


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