Briefing Room Polls (Guests Welcome!) > The Briefingroom Polls

If Pedo Joe Bows Out... Who wll be the alternative?

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Another interesting poll question could be a twofer ----- a) choose the reason for mandatory mail-in voting and  b) choose the percent increase from 2020 to 2024  in democrat voter/election fraud


--- Quote from: Jack Russell on January 03, 2024, 04:26:58 am ---Ok as much as I can't stand the Obama's, someone please enlighten me on the "big Mike" thing.  Some proof would be helpful.  If no facts then you are just slandering her.  Noone deserves that.

--- End quote ---

There was a pic somewhere of her in a dress and there was a bulge in the front pelvis area

Not that I believe she's really a dude. But it was funny, nonetheless


Just noticed you started a similar poll.  Sorry for this redundant additioon



somehow I think it could be someone coming totally out of left field- someone not on anyone's radar (at the moment)

For some reason I think it could be someone like Cory Booker - someone  like that. Don't think it will be a woman but definitely think both Republican and Democrat candidates will both have women for running mates.


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