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Aviva Klompas
60 rockets were launched from Lebanon at northern Israel today. Did this make the news where you live?
6:47 AM · May 15, 2024

Aviva Klompas
Rockets are being fired into southern and northern Israel every single day and it doesn’t make the news.  For some reason attempts to murder Israelis “don’t count.”
4:35 AM · May 15, 2024

IDF Finds Bodies of 3 Hostages in Gaza, Including Shani Louk

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Friday that it had recovered the bodies of Israeli hostages Amit Buskila, Itzhak Gelerenter, and Shani Louk in a special operation overnight in the Gaza Strip.

All three were murdered at the Supernova Music Festival in Re’im, in southern Israel, and their bodies taken to Gaza.

Louk was killed and her body abused on the back of a pickup truck in one of the most infamous scenes of October 7.

Gelerenter, 58, went missing on October 7 and his phone was later found by the IDF in Gaza. Buskila, 28, a fashion designer, had been heard on October 7 on a phone call with her uncle, begging Hamas terrorists not to take her.

There are over 40 hostages, out of roughly 130 still in Gaza, who are known to be dead. At least 60 are thought to be alive.

Negotiations have stalled, as Hamas has insisted on a permanent end to the war as a condition for the release of hostages. It also has not committed to the release of all remaining hostages, but just old, sick, and female hostages.

Though the news is bad, many Israelis feel it confirms the decision to press ahead with military operations in the southern city of Rafah, as well as in areas of northern Gaza that still have some Hamas presence. In addition to destroying the last Hamas battalions, the IDF hopes to rescue and recover at least some of the remaining hostages.


The War Zone 5/16/2024
U.S. Navy Completes Gaza Aid Pier, Deliveries Imminent

Delayed by bad weather, the Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore capability will provide much-needed aid for an increasingly desperate population.

That looks like boots on the ground ... or, are they wearing sandals?

WTF isn't this a UN or Arab League relief operation?

If there are too many Americans on the ground for too long, Gaza will be come another Mogadishu.


--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on May 17, 2024, 06:37:30 pm ---That looks like boots on the ground ... or, are they wearing sandals?

WTF isn't this a UN or Arab League relief operation?

If there are too many Americans on the ground for too long, Gaza will be come another Mogadishu.

--- End quote ---

My fear as well. Besides, any supplies brought in will be confiscated by Hamas. Just a matter of time.


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