Author Topic: Race to the White House: Key dates for debates, elections, and trials that will shape 2024  (Read 2836 times)

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Race to the White House: Key dates for debates, elections, and trials that will shape 2024
by Samantha-Jo Roth, Congressional Reporter
December 23, 2023 06:30 AM

The 2024 election cycle will be in full swing come the new year, with multiple debates, trials, and primaries expected that will dominate voter attention.

Former President Donald Trump’s commanding lead over his Republican rivals is setting the stage for a rematch against President Joe Biden. However, Trump is expected to spend much of 2024 in a courtroom, defending himself against both civil lawsuits and federal cases.

Here is what is coming up in the year to come:

January 2024

Wednesday, Jan. 10: CNN will host a Republican presidential primary debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, less than one week before the Iowa caucuses.


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Citizen Free Press
President Trump calls on Joe Biden to debate.

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Trump has definitely taken on a different tone over these last couple of days.  Looks like he may be finally accepting someone's good advice.  If he stays with this humble approach, he just may pull it off.
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Citizen Free Press
President Trump calls on Joe Biden to debate.

We all know that Joe isn't capable of debating.  Even if someone were to prep him with the answers, or give him note cards, he'd still flub it.

Again, I think that we may see Biden/Harris stepping down very soon.  Just my opinion. 
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