Author Topic: VIDEO: James Clapper Exposed as a Lying Shmuck AGAIN  (Read 790 times)

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VIDEO: James Clapper Exposed as a Lying Shmuck AGAIN
« on: December 21, 2023, 04:55:34 pm »
Has there ever been in American history such a consequential LIAR as the former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper? Again and again he has been caught lying. About Trump-Russia collusion, about NSA collecting data on millions of Americans, and about the Hunter Biden laptop story being a result of Russian Disinformation. How many times does Clapper have to be caught lying before CNN dumps him as their National Security Analyst? Well, CNN is going to face that decision yet again since the Julian Assange Team has just confirmed that the source for the Wikileaks DNC emails story in 2016 was NOT Russia, as Clapper LIED about, but DNC staffer Seth Rich who "mysteriously" was killed shortly after the leak to Wikileaks.

The proven Clapper LIE LIST continues to grow yet his CNN employment seems secure.
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Re: VIDEO: James Clapper Exposed as a Lying Shmuck AGAIN
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2023, 05:13:34 pm »
the Julian Assange Team has just confirmed that the source for the Wikileaks DNC emails story in 2016 was NOT Russia, as Clapper LIED about, but DNC staffer Seth Rich who "mysteriously" was killed shortly after the leak to Wikileaks.
Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit
When it comes to bullshit "official stories" they tell, the "OFFICIAL STORY" they've been telling us for going on 8 years now could be about to collapse.

Remember: out of the world's 8 billion people, ONLY ONE MAN has the POWER to bring Washington DC to its very knees because he KNOWS who really gave him and WikiLeaks those DNC emails... and it **wasn't** Russian hackers.

He went **on the record** about that from the very beginning, even as they were frantically enlisting Crowdstrike to launch the fake "Russian hacker/Fancy Bear" narrative to cover over the murder of SETH RICH. ...

It was a thumb drive. Not a remote hack. Someone on the INSIDE at the DNC lifted those emails off the server.  It was an inside job.  Assange has all but confirmed that Rich did it.

Pay careful attention to who tries to BLOCK any testimony from Assange at any official proceeding, claiming its ALL STILL CLASSIFIED.

And who, from the campaign trail, live, on television, in front of adoring throngs gathered across the fruited plain, keeps insisting he declassified it all.

Its going to be a hell of a spectacle.
12:08 PM · Dec 28, 2023
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