Author Topic: Exclusive — Jim Jordan: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Investigating Bribery, Abuse of Power, Obstruction  (Read 832 times)

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Exclusive — Jim Jordan: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Investigating Bribery, Abuse of Power, Obstruction

Wendell Husebø 16 Dec 2023

The impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden is investigating him for bribery, abuse of power, and obstruction of justice, House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) exclusively told Breitbart News Saturday.

The three potential crimes narrow the scope of what and how House investigators examine the allegations and evidence against Joe Biden heading into January before articles of impeachment are possibly voted upon by the full House.

“We’re potentially looking at bribery; we’re looking at abuse of power; we’re looking at possible obstruction,” Jordan said.

“Joe Biden knew that his son was going to go do this press conference and not show up for the deposition. And they had talked about that,” Jordan said about possible obstruction charges against Joe Biden.

“He [Hunter] shows up on Capitol Hill and the Senate side but won’t come for the deposition,” Jordan continued “And I think his press conference — there was one line that I think stood out to me, and I think most Americans, and that’s when he said, ‘My father was not financially involved in [my] business activities.’ And that qualifier, the word financial, I think is different than anything we’ve heard before. Because before it was, ‘Joe Biden had no involvement whatsoever.’ Then it was, ‘He was not involved personally with the business,’ and now it is, ‘He was not involved financially with the business,’ so we literally went from no involvement [to this].”

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Exclusive — Jim Jordan: Entire House GOP Approving Biden Impeachment Inquiry Will ‘Help Us in Court’

The entire House GOP conference voting to open a formal impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden will help the case in court, Jim Jordan said.

The House formally voted to formalize an impeachment inquiry into Biden on Wednesday in a vote that was 221 to 212. In other words, this was a unanimous vote, as Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), who previously hinted that he would oppose the effort, voted alongside his GOP colleagues, as Breitbart News detailed.

“I think you hit on something really important: that every single Republican voted to do this,” Jordan said. “I think that is huge because the conventional wisdom was, ‘Oh, they don’t have to vote, and if they do, they’re going to be some Republicans [who] voted,’ but every single Republican voted for it.”

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I realize that the Senate will never vote to oust him, but it will be a sweet victory if indeed Brandon is impeached.
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