Well this will be a 1st for us! Not worried but my Christmas decorations might take a hit.
ORLANDO, Fla - A significant storm is coming together in a very unusual way this weekend. Three pieces of energy in the atmosphere will merge over Florida and create a strong, but non-tropical area of low pressure that yields heavy rains, winds, coastal flooding, and tornadoes.
This will not be a tropical storm because it will be "cold-cored," meaning, unlike a tropical system (think a fireplace as the eye, warm air going to the top of the storm), it has no fireplace in the center. Also, as you can see below, ocean surface temperatures are far too cool to support tropical genesis.
Where the orange shading is, the ocean temperatures are above 80 degrees. That is where the ocean can support tropical development. However, you see surface temperatures are much cooler over the NE Gulf of Mexico and the Big Bend area of Florida.