Author Topic: Biden Calls Impeachment Inquiry Baseless GOP Stunt, Laughably Demands Lawmakers Focus on Border Inst  (Read 1068 times)

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Biden Calls Impeachment Inquiry Baseless GOP Stunt, Laughably Demands Lawmakers Focus on Border Instead
By Bob Hoge | 6:15 AM on December 14, 2023

The White House released a combative statement from President Joe Biden Wednesday on the "Baseless House Republican Impeachment Stunt," claiming that "even Republicans in Congress admit [the inquiry] is not supported by facts" and that the American people "need their leaders in Congress to take action on important priorities for the nation and world."

He went on to say that lawmakers urgently needed to focus on important issues like Ukraine, Israel, and yes -- cough, cough -- the porous southern border.

The statement is ludicrous on several levels. First of all, exactly which Republicans in Congress "admit the inquiry is not supported by facts?" Considering every single one of them voted "aye," that dog won't hunt.

Meanwhile, Biden's record on the border is the worst of any president in modern history as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection has recorded over 5.4 million illegal border crossings and at least 1.5 million "gotaways" since Biden entered the Oval.

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Years ago I used to have respect for the office of the President of the United States, today I find myself calling Biden a complete idiot!
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Offline DefiantMassRINO

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For a GOP Nothing Burger, Biden doth protest too much.

Biden should focus on America's broders instead of Ukraine's broders and Israel's borders.
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Offline sneakypete

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For a GOP Nothing Burger, Biden doth protest too much.

Biden should focus on America's broders instead of Ukraine's broders and Israel's borders.


I suspect it has been years since Slow Joe has been able to focus on anything  other than  ice cream.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!