Author Topic: Another U.S.-China conflict is escalating. This one could be the most serious of all.  (Read 1985 times)

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Another U.S.-China conflict is escalating. This one could be the most serious of all.

In the era where technological prowess increasingly dictates global power, it’s no wonder that both the U.S. and China strive to perfect the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in military applications.

China’s stance on artificial intelligence (AI) integration into its military strategy highlights its ambition to challenge the U.S. long-standing military superiority in the Indo-Pacific region. Under President Xi Jinping’s guidance, China is striving  to create a defense strategy for the new era.

At the 20th CPC (Communist Party of China) National Congress, Xi underlined Beijing’s commitment to AI development and intelligent warfare (the term refers to military systems enhanced by AI), signifying a major shift in China’s approach to national security and military operations​​.

In 2015, China implemented substantial military reforms, partly to shift the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)’s focus from land-based territorial defense to extended power projection. A key element of these reforms was the creation of the Strategic Support Force (SSF), which centralized missions across broader domains and was tasked with integrating strategic functions such as space, cyberspace, information and psychological warfare.

The SSF plays a pivotal role in China’s AI military strategy. It has been responsible for a significant number of AI-related equipment contracts within the PLA, including investing heavily in AI innovation across multiple domains including intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, autonomous vehicles, information and electronic warfare, and target recognition. The investment is part of a broader effort to leverage public-private partnerships for new technologies​​.

The domains in which the SSF operates, such as space, cyber, and information operations, are particularly well-suited for prioritized integration of AI-enabled applications due to the high data volumes associated with these areas. The SSF’s functions, which involve processing diverse, high-volume, and rapidly changing streams of information, are excellent candidates for the application of AI. This includes creating and maintaining situational awareness, analyzing the consequences of potential courses of action, as well as planning and wargaming​​...............
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