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Doctor, Secretary…Vice President?
« on: December 05, 2023, 05:23:40 pm »
Doctor, Secretary…Vice President?

This ticket is as close to perfect as you can get

By Eric Lendrum
December 4, 2023

The race for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination in 2024 is all but over. All that’s left now is the race for the second spot on the ticket.

At this point, Donald Trump’s vice presidential sweepstakes are not only likely to be even more competitive than the primaries themselves, but will also prove to be just as important.

Some may argue that whomever Trump chooses as his running mate will matter little in the grand scheme of things. After all, never before has a presumptive nominee so completely dominated the news cycle, the political scene, and the public consciousness quite like Donald Trump has. And indeed, whomever he chooses as Vice President is not likely to make a big enough difference in terms of electoral implications, and Trump’s overwhelming popularity with the conservative base means there are very few groups left at this point who would be persuaded to his side based solely on his running mate.

And yet, in recent days, speculation has arisen around one particular individual who, if the rumors are true, is the frontrunner to be Trump’s vice presidential selection for the rematch against Joe Biden. Although this name may run contrary to some of the more well-known, more controversial, or more firebrand choices, the individual who has been at the center of the most recent vice presidential prediction would be perhaps the most perfect choice that Trump could make.

The Myth of a Female Running Mate

When it comes to the 2024 veepstakes, there has been much demand for Trump to pick a woman as his vice president, ostensibly for the purpose of cushioning the blowback that Republicans have allegedly been facing after the long-overdue death of Roe v. Wade.

This, however, would be a mistake for a number of reasons. First, the abortion issue has been blown out of proportions and falsely attributed to a number of losses the GOP has faced since then, many of which had nothing to do with the Dobbs decision. Abortion was only one of many other factors that contributed to the disappointing midterm results and lukewarm outcomes of the 2023 off-year elections.

Furthermore, women – and White women in particular – do not need a pandering VP pick to convince them to come back to the GOP: They are already doing so in droves. The success of the national school board battle, and the cultural and social issues that have driven it such as transgenderism or Critical Race Theory, have already sent many women – mothers terrified for their childrens’ wellbeing – running back into the arms of the GOP, much to the ire of the mainstream media.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.