What are Ron's proposals for the federal budget?
- advance an ambitious tax and regulatory reform agenda to unleash American production, increase productivity and growth, and support our families, workers, and small businesses while lowering inflation.
- reverse Biden's job-crippling and ideological regulations and executive orders on Day One.
- work to not only extend the individual tax rates and further simplify the tax code, but also seek permanence.
- seek a more competitive tax system that incentivizes long-term, domestic investment over financial speculation and short-term returns while purging the code of K Street carveouts and loopholes.
- seek to make permanent full immediate expensing, maintain territoriality, and further strengthen base erosion measures to ensure corporations are investing in America.
- use all available Article II authority to restore accountability in the executive branch, move agencies out of DC and slash the bureaucratic state, restrict foreign lobbying and post-employment revolving doors by former government officials, and ban individual stock trading by members of Congress and executive branch officials.
- reverse the federal government's attempt to force people to buy electric vehicles. We will save the American automobile.
Ending Environmental, Social, and Governance Standards and Political Engineering by Large Investors
- strengthen rules governing fiduciary responsibilities, transparency requirements, and scrutiny of firms that manage public pension funds.
Restoring Merit and Respect for the Individual as the Central Criteria for Economic Advancement
- no longer incentivize useless degrees and courses with blanket government loans. To that end, he will make universities, not taxpayers, responsible for the loans their students accrue. He will also seek to allow student loans to be discharged through bankruptcy like any other loan.
- create a fair labor market by securing the border, enforcing our laws, eliminating chain migration and the diversity visa lottery, and limiting unskilled immigration.
- appoint a Chairman of the Federal Reserve who will focus on maintaining a stable dollar instead of the political pressures of the day. The Fed must focus on stable prices; it is not a social engineer and cannot be allowed to be an unaccountable economic central planner.
- ensure that the Federal Reserve does not implement a central bank digital currency to control the finances of hardworking Americans. - block any attempts to establish a Central Bank Digital Currency or any other policies that will move us closer to a social credit system.
Where Washington has sought to regulate and inhibit innovation such as Bitcoin and other new technologies, - protect entrepreneurship from central planners who seek to stifle what they cannot control.
- require "clear language" disclosures by banks and shadow banks to increase transparency and better track systemic risks.
- support community and regional banks that bolster the economic front lines of main street America
- protect cryptocurrencies and work to end politically driven debanking and financial doxing.
- be a new sheriff in town when it comes to spending, and he will not be afraid of using his veto pen. Our government programs as they exist today are wrought with waste, fraud, and abuse, and continue to be a major drag on our economy, our budget, and the flourishing of our citizens.
- use his Article II authority to prohibit federal grants to entities that engage in active discrimination through DEI or other unconstitutional initiatives.
So what are Trump's? Oh, never mind. We already know. His proposal is to spend spend spend like Biden.