Author Topic: Iceland volcano – live: 120 earthquakes strike as Grindavik anticipate imminent eruption  (Read 1642 times)

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Iceland volcano – live: 120 earthquakes strike as Grindavik anticipate imminent eruption

Around 120 earthquakes have rocked the areas surrounding the town of Grindavik as they await a likely eruption, report the Icelandic Met Office.

It comes as the exact location for an eruption has been revealed by the Icelandic Met Office, which says it “is still considered likely”.

Experts at the Icelandic Met Office have issued a key update after a study of data from GPS stations and satellite images showed an “uplift” continues in the area of Svartsengi, north of Grindavík.

The Met Office stated that the eruption is “still considered likely as the magma inflow continues”, adding that “the highest likelihood for an eruption is in the middle part of the dike between Hagafell and Sýlingarfell”.

Earthquake activity has also led to the deepening of the port at Grindavik, according to RUV.

The change in depth is because of the earthquakes’ impact, said the port manager Sigurður Arnar Kristmundsson.

He told RUV: “The docks seem to have sunk by 20-30 centimeters when we measured about 10 days ago and then there is a chance that, yes, the bottom has sunk accordingly.”

A fortnight ago, Grindavik was evacuated after magma-induced seismic activity tore vast chasms through the streets................
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Well, folks, remember all that CO2 y'all saved?

 :tongue2: :silly:
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
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Online roamer_1

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Sorry... all I got in my head right now is

Finally! an Icelandic volcano in the news that has a reasonably short name that I can probably pronounce!  :shrug:

Offline mountaineer

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Seriously. That is one of the most difficult and confusing languages using the Latin alphabet I've ever seen. "Grindavik," I can handle.

Offline GtHawk

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Seriously. That is one of the most difficult and confusing languages using the Latin alphabet I've ever seen. "Grindavik," I can handle.
Yeah but doesn't it sound like some monster a Viking hero must slay? Grendavik, brother of Grendel is on a rampage! :silly: My DIL's brother has been living in Iceland for years and is coming to visit her soon, it will be interesting to hear what he has to say.

Online catfish1957

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Seriously. That is one of the most difficult and confusing languages using the Latin alphabet I've ever seen. "Grindavik," I can handle.

Ever seen Welsh Gaelic?  Hard to believe that so many of our ancestors spoke like this.

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Offline mountaineer

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True. I was thinking of visiting Wales to visit my own family's ancestral sites, but first I'd have to find out how to pronounce the names of the towns. Otherwise, how would we get there?  :laugh:

Offline The_Reader_David

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But Grindavik is the name of the nearest town.  The volcanos involves are called Hagafell and Sýlingarfell.

The first is easy, but I'm not sure how an accented y is pronounce in the modern spelling of Old Norse (which is what the speak in Iceland -- same as the Vikings, just with new words added for modern things).
And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know what this was all about.