Author Topic: Arizona inmate charged with attempted murder after Derek Chauvin stabbing  (Read 1039 times)

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Arizona inmate charged with attempted murder after Derek Chauvin stabbing

Federal prosecutors announced attempted murder charges against an Arizona inmate Friday, a week after ex-Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin was stabbed 22 times inside a library at the Tucson penitentiary where they are both inmates.

John Turscak, 52, is also facing multiple assault charges and inflicting serious bodily injury with an "improvised knife" around 12:30 p.m. on Black Friday – a day the suspect allegedly told investigators he picked to symbolize the "Black Lives Matter" movement, which spurred months of protests around the country in connection with the death of George Floyd – who Chauvin was convicted of killing.

Federal corrections officers intervened "immediately" according to court filings, dousing Turscak with pepper spray. He allegedly told the guards he would have killed Chauvin if guards hadn't reacted so fast. When he waived his Miranda rights, he allegedly told the FBI about the Black Friday symbolism and said he'd planned the attack for a month..............
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