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If bidet pulls an LBJ next March and quits, Who will replace him?

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--- Quote from: libertybele on November 28, 2023, 10:28:42 pm ---@sneakypete IMHO the election was stolen from Trump. No one can convince me otherwise.  So ... in essence I don't really see anymore election integrity taking place.

Trump is polling (for what they're worth) way ahead of the other GOP candidates and Evil Joe's numbers are plummeting; yet they'll find a way to prevent him from running or winning.

As much as I'm not a Trump fan these days, this is just plain, dead wrong!!

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MAYBE it will be so obvious this time that people will march on DC and riot for change.

IF something doesn't happen this time to prevent Dim election thefts,America will no longer exist  as a free and independent nation of free people.

We will,in essence,but "Soviet Serfs" posing as Americans.

It really IS a case of "Now or never".

When I said the republic is dead, it is solely based on the fact our elections are fixed.

You do know that George Soros owns the firms that count the votes in the USA and all western nations.  Any mystery concerning why he bought those companies?  I hope not!

2024 will most certainly be fixed, and no one will do a damn thing about it.  No one!  The differences between us and Russia at the present politically are nada!  Nothing different.  They fix their elections as do we.

Mooch by a mile.  Bank on it.

And advertised as the 3rd Obummer Muslim term.


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on November 28, 2023, 10:39:51 pm ---Mooch by a mile.  Bank on it.

And advertised as the 3rd Obummer Muslim term.

--- End quote ---


Wouldn't it be the 4th Obama term, since I believe it is safe to say Wrecking Ball Joe gets his orders from Obama.  That is the primary reason Susan Rice is there, correct?


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