Author Topic: Controversial George Soros-backed Virginia prosecutor ousted from office after final votes counted  (Read 2227 times)

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Controversial George Soros-backed Virginia prosecutor ousted from office after final votes counted

A controversial far-left prosecutor in Virginia who's received enormous backing from liberal billionaire George Soros has been defeated despite significantly outspending her opponent.

Loudoun County Commonwealth's Attorney Buta Biberaj, whom Soros has backed with nearly $1 million since 2019, lost to her Republican opponent, Bob Anderson, by 300 votes in a race that wrapped up counting its remaining ballots from last week's election on Tuesday evening, Fox 5 DC reported.

"We are finished. We are waiting for the certification. Our electoral board is working on signing abstracts, and reviewing paperwork," a Loudoun County election official told Fox 5.

Anderson ultimately garnered 68,068 votes while Biberaj received 67,768, Fox 5 reported.

"This is the closest Commonwealth’s Attorney’s race in Loudoun history. Following the canvass process, Buta trails by just 300 votes out of more than 136,000 votes cast," Shannon Sankey, Biberaj's campaign manager, told the Fox affiliate. "This 0.22% deficit puts our campaign well within the margin for a recount in Virginia. Our campaign is reviewing the results and we expect to make a decision shortly on our next steps. Buta remains committed to protecting democratic rights and ensuring that every Loudoun resident’s vote is counted."

Anderson, who previously served in the position from 1996 to 2003, emerged victorious despite being significantly outspent by Biberaj. Virginia Public Access Project data shows that Biberaj dropped $1.1 million on the race - nearly 16 times more than the $70,356 Anderson had spent.

Throughout the race, the progressive prosecutor received help from outside groups such as the Working Families Party National PAC and the Soros-backed Justice and Public Safety PAC.

Biberaj has been among the many nationwide candidates boosted by cash from Soros in his bid to overhaul the criminal justice system..................
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Controversial George Soros-backed Virginia prosecutor ousted from office after final votes counted

If the Republican is ahead, then the final votes haven't yet been counted.
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