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Still Fakey After All These Years Folksinger (Buffy Sainte-Marie)

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--- Quote ---Folksinger Buffy Sainte-Marie got her start in the Greenwich Village scene and during the 1960s became an indigenous icon. In 1975 she showed up on “Sesame Street” proclaiming, “We want kids to understand that Indians exist. We really are real.” And as Buffy explained, “Cree Indians are my tribe, and we live in Canada.”  That nation showered Sainte-Marie with awards, made her a companion of the Order of Canada, and even put her on a postage stamp.

In 2019, St. Marie appeared at a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) music festival, where she complained about “moms who have such a pride in family, maybe patriotism and tradition,” before her performance of  “The Universal Soldier.” Behind the scenes, the CBC was busy checking birth records, newspaper accounts, and interviewing relatives. Last month, the CBC’s  6,000-plus-word report outed the soi disant Cree from Saskatchewan as Beverly Jean Santamaria, born in 1941 in Stoneham, Massachusetts, with no indigenous ancestry whatsoever.

So the singer PBS hailed last year as an “Oscar winning indigenous artist” turns out to be a fake, and her fakery was a major factor in her rise to stardom.
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Here is her first time on Sesame Street... where she lies over and over again about being a real Indian.

She was just ahead of her time.   :rolling:

Bury both of their hearts at Wounded Knee.

Here's the full CBC takedown, for those with some time on their hands:

But this is what you get when "equal protection" isn't applied equally. When tribal reserves are above the law, above any sort of oversight... the unscrupulous will seek to gain that advantage. (Where there should be no advantage.) Even worse, it's almost certainly a factor in the "missing and murdered indigenous women" trope, since human trafficking is a lot easier to pull off under the cover of sovereignty.

She sure has all the physical characteristics of a native person.  Not sure what these people are trying to do or what their agenda is.  Personally I DGAF


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