Author Topic: Anazing Grace  (Read 1260 times)

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Anazing Grace
« on: November 13, 2023, 02:29:30 pm »
Been reading up on the  creation of this truly  amazing spiritual on Wikipedia,and the quote below from that posting had me laughing out loud.

Mahalia Jackson's 1947 version received significant radio airplay, and as her popularity grew throughout the 1950s and 1960s, she often sang it at public events such as concerts at Carnegie Hall.[68]

Mahalia Jackson didn't even NEED a microphone to "get her musical message out". She not only had the "pipes" to be heard,but she was backed up by faith and conviction when it came to Gospel songs.

Don't believe me,do a web search  and give a listen  to her singing some gospel songs. She damn near makes ME a "believer".

Anyhow,I found that quote hilarious.

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