Author Topic: Noem consults South Dakota on conflict-of-interest rules for lawmakers  (Read 1222 times)

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Noem consults South Dakota on conflict-of-interest rules for lawmakers

South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem has requested guidance from the state’s Supreme Court about conflict-of-interest rules for lawmakers, several weeks after a South Dakota state lawmaker resigned and agreed to repay $500,000 in federal COVID-19 relief that she received for her day care business.

Jessica Castleberry was a state senator when she received the COVID-19 stimulus funding. Doing so violated a state Supreme Court advisory warning state lawmakers that it is unconstitutional for them to accept federal pandemic funding.

Noem, Attorney General Marty Jackley and two Republican lawmakers have sent letters to the court seeking clarity on what else is illegal, the Sioux Falls Argus Leader reported Thursday.

According to the state Constitution, lawmakers are banned from entering into state contracts "directly or indirectly" during their term and for a year after they finish serving in office............
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