Author Topic: Defense Rests  (Read 375 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Defense Rests
« on: October 28, 2023, 12:44:10 pm »
Powerline by Lloyd Billingsley 10/27/2023

Joe Biden seems aware that the people “slaughtered in Israel” include “at least 32 American citizens” and “scores of innocents,” from infants to elderly grandparents, have been “taken hostage.” Biden claims the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are “working closely with state and local law enforcement and Jewish community partners to identify and disrupt any domestic threat that could emerge in connection with these horrific attacks.” That calls for reflection.

In 1993, the FBI failed to prevent 2/26, the first attack on the World Trade Center. The FBI failed to prevent 9/11, 11/5(Fort Hood), 4/14 (Boston Marathon bombing), 12/2 (San Bernardino) and 6/12 (Orlando), all told, with thousands of innocent victims. The Department of Homeland Security was created after 9/11, failed to prevent major terrorist attacks, and is currently ignoring a major threat.

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For the FBI, pro-life activists, peacefully protesting parents, and anyone less than worshipful of Joe Biden are domestic terrorists and violent extremists. The bureau recently put out the word that it is escalating its campaign against Trump supporters.  No word about the FBI stepping up surveillance on the millions of “migrants” Biden’s DHS has let into the country with no background checks, vaccinations, job skills, and so forth. What could possibly go wrong?
