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QAnoners, what is the official QAnon position on the Israel vs. terrorist situation?

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--- Quote from: mountaineer on October 25, 2023, 11:02:18 pm ---Yes. Trump and the military are calling the shots, thankfully. The military tribunals holding Biden, et al., accountable will be happening any day now. Oh yes, and John F. Kennedy, Jr., who still is alive, is Trump's second-in-command.

It should go without saying that I pray for her sanity every day.

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Wow.... **nononono*

I agree, the internet makes this nuttery spread like wildfire - so much faster than before AlGore invented it. My unscientific observation is that people who feel powerless over certain situations in their lives gravitate to this sort of thing. They believe they know something the rest of us don't, and that makes them special. When it all comes to a cataclysmic end, they are the ones who will come out on top - with a giant "told ya so."


--- Quote from: AllThatJazzZ on October 25, 2023, 10:21:18 pm ---As some of y'all may remember, I posted a thread 2 or 3 years ago to express my astonishment at some of the things my stepdaughter was espousing. As I was to learn, there are some QAnoners here who defended her stances.

I had a short conversation with her today and got the sense that she isn't all in for Israel. If so, this would break my heart. I'm almost at the point where I just don't want to know since it would likely cause a division between us, so I only marginally went "there" with her.

Can anyone explain the position of QAnon regarding this matter? Thanks.

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I'm not totally sure. Quix, our resident QAnon observer, passed away not too long ago.


--- Quote from: jmyrlefuller on October 26, 2023, 02:28:24 am --- I'm not totally sure. Quix, our resident QAnon observer, passed away not too long ago.

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Quix died???

I just thought he left because of the pushback here against QAnon.

Maj. Bill Martin:

--- Quote from: mountaineer on October 26, 2023, 02:07:27 am ---I agree, the internet makes this nuttery spread like wildfire - so much faster than before AlGore invented it. My unscientific observation is that people who feel powerless over certain situations in their lives gravitate to this sort of thing. They believe they know something the rest of us don't, and that makes them special. When it all comes to a cataclysmic end, they are the ones who will come out on top - with a giant "told ya so."

--- End quote ---

Excellent observation.


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