Author Topic: Pro-lifers confront University of Pittsburgh board for use of aborted babies in ‘inhumane’ experimen  (Read 1505 times)

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Pro-lifers confront University of Pittsburgh board for use of aborted babies in ‘inhumane’ experiments
The medical center attempted to evade public scrutiny over its actions for four years.

 Thu Oct 19, 2023 - 5:54 pm EDT



PITTSBURGH (LifeSiteNews) – The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Magee-Womens Hospital Board of Directors held its first public meeting in four years last week during which pro-lifers took the opportunity to confront the institution over long-running scandals concerning grisly experiments with aborted babies.

In 2020, University of Pittsburgh researchers published a paper revealing that they grafted the scalps of aborted babies into mice for the purpose of exploring human skin’s potency as a “significant barrier for protection against pathogen transmission,” and to “investigate human-specific pathogens that target the skin.”

The experiment received funding from the National Institute of Health and “support” from the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, federal agencies formerly led by controversial doctors and ex-presidential advisers Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci, respectively.

Last year, the pro-life Center for Medical Progress (CMP) reported that a car for the company Center for Organ Recovery & Education (CORE), a supplier for the University of Pittsburgh’s Health Sciences Tissue Bank, was caught on video parked in a Planned Parenthood driveway, with a man carrying what appeared to be specimen bags from the building and placing them in a cooler inside the vehicle. The report called into question the university’s claims that it does not obtain fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood.

The Federalist reported that the hospital board, which was cited earlier this year for not allowing annual public attendance in violation of state law, finally held a meeting open to the public this month, during which board members were excoriated by pro-life attendees.

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