Author Topic: 1,000 Days Without a Trial: Jan. 6 Prisoner Shares His Story of 'Endurance, Perseverance, and Hope'  (Read 935 times)

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The Epoch Times By Patricia Tolson 10/18/2023

1,000 Days Without a Trial: Jan. 6 Prisoner Shares His Story of 'Endurance, Perseverance, and Hope'

On Oct. 12, Jan. 6 prisoner Jake Lang passed a milestone—1,000 days in jail without a trial. Now he wants Americans to know what he and others have endured.

On Oct. 12, Jake Lang passed a milestone: 1,000 days in jail without a trial. To mark the anniversary, he wanted to share with the American people "the horrific conditions of confinement," which he says he and many of his fellow Jan. 6 prisoners have had to endure.

"During this time, I've done 20 months of solitary confinement," Mr. Lang told The Epoch Times. "For 15 months of that, I wasn't allowed to have a haircut or a shave."

This was intentional, he said, to make Jan. 6 prisoners look like "homeless vagrants" or "deranged terrorists" during video court appearances.

His account aligns with first-hand reports from other Jan. 6 prisoners, detailed in a Congressional report in 2021.

Troublesome prisoners are subjected to "diesel therapy," where inmates are shackled together—frequently with violent gang members—for long bus or plane rides to another facility. The trips can take hours, days, or weeks. Fights are frequent. Personal belongings and discovery for their trials—family photos, exculpatory documents, and notes related to their cases—are often lost.

Family members lose track of them.
The 28-year-old Mr. Lang (full name: Edward Jacob Lang) has been charged with several counts, including an "obstruction" charge, for which he could receive a 20-year sentence. As reported by The Epoch Times, Mr. Lang has challenged this charge with the Supreme Court.

Following his arrest on Jan. 16, 2021, Mr. Lang has been shuttled from one prison to another. In New York, he was moved to three different facilities, including the MDC Brooklyn where Jeffrey Epstein was held.

Then he was taken to an airport in Newburgh, New York, put on a plane with about 200 convicted felons, and transported to Oklahoma, he said.

He was moved to Northern Neck Regional in Warsaw, Virginia, and then to the DC Jail, known to Jan. 6 prisoners as "The Gulag."

Confined to his cell for 23 hours and 15 minutes each day for three months, he was frequently physically assaulted. The first time was on Sept. 18, 2021, before a rally in the DC mall in support of Jan. 6 prisoners.


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Is there any lawyer out there willing to file Habeus Corpus?
The Republic is lost.