Author Topic: Gov. Ron DeSantis Puts Words Into Action With Executive Order on Israel Aid  (Read 2411 times)

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Online Kamaji

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‘Help Is on the Way’: Gov. Ron DeSantis Puts Words Into Action With Executive Order on Israel Aid

By Sister Toldjah
October 12, 2023

There are elected officials who do a lot of talking and posturing, and there are those who actually put their words into action.

As we've documented extensively here, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is the action type, something he demonstrated Thursday with an executive order he signed reaffirming his previously stated support for Israel that cleared the way for rescue flights for Floridians trapped in Israel as well as deliveries of supplies to the country:

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In it, DeSantis declared that "a state of emergency exists in the State of Florida" over the fact that Jewish people at home and abroad were under threat from Hamas and Hamas sympathizers, and wanted to come home but couldn't.

 "There are more than 20,000 Americans, including many Floridians, in Israel who wish to return home but have been prevented from doing so" because of commercial airline restrictions, the EO noted.  DeSantis also referenced that Florida "is home to one of the largest Jewish populations in the world," with many holding dual citizenship and having relatives and business interests in Israel.

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Online Kamaji

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Putting Biden to shame.

So, just exactly what "options" did DeSantis fail to consider that the Biden (mal)administration is still considering?

Online Wingnut

  • That is the problem with everything. They try and make it better without realizing the old is fine.
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I hope the Jews in West Palm, Dade and Broward counties remember this at election time.
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Online libertybele

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I hope the Jews in West Palm, Dade and Broward counties remember this at election time.

I would think so considering that Dade county voted overwhelmingly for him as governor.
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Online Wingnut

  • That is the problem with everything. They try and make it better without realizing the old is fine.
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I would think so considering that Dade county voted overwhelmingly for him as governor.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

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Jules Levine
I have not posted about this as it was ongoing and we ran into a lot of roadblocks. This post is to let all those involved we got it done thank you to Ron DeSantis and his team. But here is a run down of what actually happened.

My sister was outside of Tel Aviv about 30 miles and wanted to leave. It was confusing as all flights were cancelled last week. If you understand the airports in Israel, it would have meant a very dangerous drive to Jordan with no guarantee as everyone was being told Ben Gurion was closed. She is travelling with two youngsters, all 3 are American. Contacts with the State Department were futile. Fortunately I was able to pass along the form from the DeSantis planned flights to her, she filled them out immediately and they responded to her without one hour. We were so excited as they responded right back to her. To date Biden's State Dept has still not responded to her emergency email. My sister was one of the first to respond and while traveling to Tel Aviv from her area, they were being heavily shelled and she felt it was better to get off the highway and hide for the night. They left the vehicle in underbrush and she set up camp for the night with the kids but too scared to light a fire. They slept in the car.

Early the next morning, she uncovered the brush off her hidden vehicle and they continued on the journey onto Tel Aviv. Within 2 miles, she ran into a IDF checkpoint and they were ordered out of her Subaru and had to explain what they were doing and why. Turns out the night before, less then a mile from where she had pulled over, they had captured 3 Hamas terrorists who had panicked and taken a local farm owner hostage and killed him and his family. We are texting each other throughout all this and I'm feeling like I am living in the Abyss at this point. I am terrified for her.

I just want to know she has arrived into Tel Aviv with the kids and can get on a plane. My sister remains strong and goes through 2 hours of very intense interrogation without knowing where the kids are, who is watching them, nothing. She survives this and is reunited with the kids who have been placed in the back seat of her SUV and she is told to get back on the road and don't stop. She doesn't. She does not stop until she drives into the drop off stop of Is Israel Airlines. She unloads the few bags left, the kids and walks into the airport. Security starts panicking at that point and she is so fed up, she tells them to take her car and shove it up their ass.

Long story short, my sister made it, the kids made it, she is carless. But she is very thankful for Ron DeSantis for putting her on a flight out from hell. We here in Florida will help her start over. I can't even imagine what she went through. We texted each other constantly and she was so calm until she realized they were actively hunting her - I cannot share this here as it has come to light that Hamas was actively tracking her. I just want to thank Ron DeSantis for putting the flights into Tel Aviv when no one else would go in there. Thank you. This had a happy ending and I have my sister back. But the happy endings are few and far between as Hamas continues to bomb the southern regions of Israel and Hezbollah continues to threaten from the north. So many have spoken over the last few weeks, some against Hamas, some pro Hamas. It is time the government who oversees the Palestinian people, Hamas, is incinerated to the depths of hell.
3:41 AM · Oct 27, 2023