I wish you every success with that!
Here (Texas) has 88 Republican and 62 Democrat members of the house who just elected a RINO to be speaker.
Yes, it seems that not everone wants (some version of) MAGA running their state. Not that anyone can tell me what MAGA really stands for....but hey.......we know that some hide behind it as they do some pretty crazy stuff.
After the vote, the state party chair said they would sanction anyone who voted for the new speaker. They chanted from the steps...."This is our house." Well, guess what ? It isn't.
I am pro conservative.
I voted for Donald Trump 3 times.
But, we need this kind of garbage to cease.
MAGA in Arizona is taking on a different form. One that says, you can't win by being stupid.
We don't need luck. It's already happening. We increase majorities in both houses and EVERYONE knows HOBBS is toast. Even her own side. The question will be who takes her place.
Donald Trump endorsed someone who didn't support him (meaning he knows how to keep momentum even if it means doing things that seem a little less than super-hard right). She'll likely win.
Fortunately, Kari Lake has firgured out she won't be winning anything soon and is stepping away. Thanks to her and her crazy campaign, we now have a certified marxist in the senate.
Good luck with your "we own the show" schtick. Hope you figure out it really isn't true.