Author Topic: Trump will not visit Capitol Hill ahead of House speaker race: source  (Read 385 times)

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Trump will not visit Capitol Hill ahead of House speaker race: source

Former President Trump will not visit Capitol Hill Tuesday to meet with congressional Republicans as they consider a next speaker of the House, a source familiar with the 2024 GOP front-runner's plans told Fox News Digital.

The former president told Fox News Digital last Thursday that he would visit Washington, D.C., and Capitol Hill to take part in a House Republican Conference as members considered who would become the next speaker of the House, following the ouster of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

A source familiar, though, told Fox News Digital on Monday that the president's plans had changed, and he will no longer visit Washington or Capitol Hill to take part in those discussions or the House GOP candidate forum set to begin Tuesday evening.

Trump, early Friday morning, endorsed Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, to serve as House speaker................
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