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In 4 days they vote on Speakership; Who do you want?

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--- Quote from: Hoodat on October 07, 2023, 06:56:09 pm ---I hope not.  Scalise is a continuation of the old guard.

--- End quote ---

Yes, but to expect a coup against what, 5 to 1 odds? Unlikely. Jordan's a maybe, because he is respected by all... But Scalise has the same flavor, and is a moderate... So... yeah. It'll be Scalise.

And that's alright. Someone who will deal in good faith is better than one who didn't...

Does it really matter?  If Republicans in Congress have proven anything, it is that they are totally lackluster do nothing fools.  I have never been less impressed by elected officials than I am at present.  These turds no longer represent the people that elect them.

 :yowsa: :yowsa: :yowsa:


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