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Former cops, activists weigh in on why police departments are hemorrhaging officers: 'A real crisis'


Former cops, activists weigh in on why police departments are hemorrhaging officers: 'A real crisis'
Story by Cortney O'Brien •
Goodhue, Minnesota, made national news in August when the small town's entire police force resigned and the local police chief said he'd had "zero" applicants following the resignations. Experts say it's indicative of how law enforcement has been treated the past few years.

Goodhue Police Chief Josh Smith told city officials that he could not find anyone to sign up to join the police force.
"This has been three weeks now, we have zero applicants, and I have zero prospects," Smith said on July 26. "I’ve called every PD around for the youngest guys out there, getting into the game. There's nobody getting into the game."
Goodhue Mayor Ellen Anderson Buck told local news they felt "blindsided" by the exodus. But some former police leaders and activists say that recent trends have shown them that this "crisis" has been coming for some time.


This will only begin to change when the stupid whites wake up and no longer permit blacks to be held "above the law", essentially regardless of their criminal behavior.

Funny. There's waiting lists to become cops in red states at all levels. My eldest finally was sworn in his thirties, after being an assistant warden, a jailer, and private security (where he became security director for a large institution) for half his career - And even being on the inside, with hella good marks, it took that long.


What's the issue?  We don't need cops.  Lenient judges, DA's, and Social Workers will hug the crime away.


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