Author Topic: 55 Chinese sailors are feared dead after nuclear submarine 'gets caught in a trap intended to snare  (Read 1119 times)

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Online Elderberry

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Daily Mail by Mark Nicol 10/3/2023

55 Chinese sailors are feared dead after nuclear submarine 'gets caught in a trap intended to snare British and US vessels in the Yellow Sea'

•   Twenty-two officers were among the 55 reported to have died in the Yellow Sea
•   China denies it happened - and apparently refused international assistance

Fifty-five Chinese sailors are feared dead after their nuclear submarine apparently got caught in a trap intended to ensnare British sub-surface vessels in the Yellow Sea.

According to a secret UK report the seamen died following a catastrophic failure of the submarine's oxygen systems which poisoned the crew.

The captain of the Chinese PLA Navy submarine '093-417' is understood to be among the deceased, as were 21 other officers.


Offline Sighlass

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Sub traps, wonder how they work. Nothing I found on Google about a "chain and anchor obstacle". Best guess would be chains boyanced up with hooks on them (to grab somewhere). 
« Last Edit: October 04, 2023, 02:12:44 am by Sighlass »
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