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Will the Machine (dems/media) ever allow the Election of Trump, again?

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   As of now it looks like a repeat of 2020, IMHO.  Everyone, including himself, is keeping Trump out front and bidet is hiding, as much as a US resident can.

Pink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine (1975)


thank you so much for posting the video. One of the their best albums, imho (second best)

I'll take Pink Floyd. But only if it has more cowbell.

91 felonies ... no way are the going to let him run again.  Even with all of Trump's money, he'll never be re-elected.


They need him too much. And as I've noted before, he's term-limited—and irrelevant—if he wins a second term. Trump being a lame duck takes away their straw man. The more he keeps running, the more he keeps sucking out all the air in the Republican Party... that neutralizes their opposition.

Trump is the key cog in the Democrats' quest for one-party rule. One could not think of a better wedge to divide and conquer the opposition then a man like Trump with a following like Trump. The more they arrest him, even if they convict him and throw him in jail, they can't stop him from running... and it just galvanizes the Trump base even harder. Short of him dying, there's really nothing they can (nor do they really want to) do to get rid of him. And if he loses, like he almost certainly will, Trumpland will insist fraud again and run yet again. But at what point does the GOP kick him to the curb? Based on this year's primary polling, never.

And that keeps the true reformers from ever being a realistic threat to them.


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