Author Topic: California Gov. Newsom will appoint Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s Senate seat (Breaking)  (Read 3372 times)

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Gotta give greasy gavin credit for this one:
He's actually appointed a Senator likely to be worse than kamala (sutra)...!

Online mountaineer

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Gotta give greasy gavin credit for this one:
He's actually appointed a Senator likely to be worse than kamala (sutra)...!
And he didn't give Adam Schiff a moment's consideration, which is kind of priceless.
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Offline PeteS in CA

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And he didn't give Adam Schiff a moment's consideration, which is kind of priceless.

He has the wrong skin color, and, he claims, the wrong reproductive plumbing. yogi555
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Fat lot of good all this pandering did you, Adam.
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GOP lawmaker Issa demands answers from Newsom, Senate leaders on Laphonza Butler's Maryland residency
Issa says Butler's appointment a potential violation of California constitution
By Jamie Joseph Fox News
Published October 2, 2023 3:00pm EDT

FIRST ON FOX: Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., is expected to send a letter to California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif., Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Monday afternoon expressing concern over Newsom’s recent appointee to replace the late Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Newsom tapped Laphonza Butler, the president of EMILY's List – a Democratic political action committee (PAC) dedicated to electing pro-abortion Democratic women to office – for the vacant interim Senate seat late Sunday evening.

However, Butler's home address is listed in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Issa is questioning the constitutionality of her ability to take office while residing in a different state than the one she will represent.

"We're not talking about the question of majority, we're talking about 38 million Californians who have an absolute right to have somebody who puts California first – not who puts the District of Columbia first or Maryland, where she's a resident, first," Issa told Fox News Digital in an interview Monday.

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Lallapaloosa Butler might be in for a fight.
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I know in Iowa you must be a resident of the district the day you take office, but not to be a candidate or be appointed.

Not saying I agree with that, but Cali may be like that.
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I recall that Dick Gephardt never lived in the district he "represented," either. A lot of House members don't.  But a Senator not living in the state is really pathetic.
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California Governor Gavin Newsom promised to appoint a black woman to replace the late Dianne Feinstein in the Senate, so you know this is a man who has his priorities in order. Politico reveals that Newsom will appoint Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s seat. Butler apparently does not reside in California — Politico reports that she is registered to vote in Maryland.

However, Butler owns a home in California. When it comes to her declaration of residence, she’d rather switch than fight. She will change her voter registration to California. On this point, the Wall Street Journal reports, Butler didn’t respond to a request for comment.

In a state of some 40 million residents, Newsom could not find one who fit the bill quite like Laphonza Butler. Butler is the president of the pro-abortion fundraising group EMILY’S LIST. That’s how you know her heart is in the right place. She is a devout believer in the abortion orthodoxy.

Politico also doesn’t say whether Butler will stand down from the pending 2024 election contest for the seat she is to occupy. The Democratic candidates running for the seat constitute a parade of horribles: Adam Schiff, Katie Porter, and Barbara Lee. I am not familiar with Phonzie, as I would guess her friends call her, but I sense that she would fit right in. If she went for it, she would not be jumping the shark. Considering the number of boxes he has checked in making her appointment, however, I think Newsom may have done it.

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Donny Ferguson
ABC News just did a segment on Laphonza Butler that never mentioned abortion.
They described EMILYs List as “a group that elects women.”
That’s a surprise to the 10 pro-life congresswomen they tried to defeat last year, three of which they tried to replace with men.
6:59 PM · Oct 2, 2023
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Offline Polly Ticks

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Donny Ferguson
ABC News just did a segment on Laphonza Butler that never mentioned abortion.
They described EMILYs List as “a group that elects women.”
That’s a surprise to the 10 pro-life congresswomen they tried to defeat last year, three of which they tried to replace with men.
6:59 PM · Oct 2, 2023

That is very interesting, considering pro-life positions are supposedly a millstone around conservative candidates' necks.  You'd think they'd be shouting it loud and proud that she is a pro-abortion activist.
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If men aren't supposed to have an opinion on abortion because they lack vaginas, why should lesbians? Not that lesbians can't get pregnant, but I doubt it could happen unexpectedly or accidentally.
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Offline rangerrebew

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Newsom replaces vacant Feinstein senate seat with wealthy black lesbian from Maryland
10/04/2023 // Ethan Huff // 2.1K Views

Keeping true to his COVID-era promise to replace the next vacant U.S. Senate seat in California with a black woman, regardless of her qualifications – or lack thereof – Gov. Gavin Newsom is commemorating the recent death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein with Laphonza Butler, a black lesbian who worked as senior adviser to Kamala Harris's failed 2020 presidential campaign.

Butler is the first black lesbian to ever openly serve in Congress – because why not? Modern America seems to worship at the altar of LGBT. She is also not a resident of California, but rather lives in Maryland – because again, why not? American politics in 2023 is a clown circus, after all.

Another "qualification" that drew Newsom to appoint Butler as one of the two U.S. senators representing California is the fact that she is president of the pro-abortion organization EMILY's List.

Butler will finish out the remaining term that Feinstein would have served, which lasts until 2024. After that, should she choose to formally run, Butler could challenge pervert and "pencil neck" Rep. Adam Schiff, who himself was hoping Feinstein would live at least until the next election so he could rise to the Senate.
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Online andy58-in-nh

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"Pro-abortion, wealthy black lesbian labor union organizer" is basically the face of today's Democrat Party.
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Puzzled how Californians feel about this...  Do they care?  Are they even aware it happened?

How would you feel if your governor appointed somebody outside his/her State to be a U.S. Senator?

Furthermore...they couldn't find a black lesbian woman who lives in California?   :shrug:

Makes me wonder if Newsome ever read Andrew Carnegie?
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Puzzled how Californians feel about this...  Do they care?  Are they even aware it happened?

How would you feel if your governor appointed somebody outside his/her State to be a U.S. Senator?

Furthermore...they couldn't find a black lesbian woman who lives in California?   :shrug:

Makes me wonder if Newsome ever read Andrew Carnegie?
The democrat Californians probably don't give a rats ass because...democrats, as for the rest of us what choice have we? Those who can leave the state do, but there are a great many like me, who for one reason or another can't leave(my wife would never ever move away from our children and grandchildren), so are stuck making the best of a crappy situation. The best thing that could happen in California is for the SMOD to strike the state capitol while a joint session with The governor and lieutenant governor were in least we would get a reprieve and shot at a reset :shrug: