Author Topic: Simone Biles: American lands historic vault on World Championships return in Antwerp  (Read 784 times)

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Simone Biles: American lands historic vault on World Championships return in Antwerp

Simone Biles made history on her return to the World Gymnastics Championships in Antwerp, becoming the first woman to land a Yurchenko double pike vault.

The move - now renamed the Biles II - helped the 26-year-old American into first place in all-around qualifying.

Biles was competing internationally for the first time since taking a two-year break from the sport to work on her mental health.

She made a triumphant return in August, winning the US Classic.

Biles scored 15.266 for landing the Yurchenko double pike, which is rated as the most difficult jump in the women's scoring code.

She scored a total of 58.865 in the all-around, leading to the vault being named Biles II after a different, original vault was named after her in 2018.

With 25 world medals, the most of any gymnast in history, and seven Olympic medals, Biles is the oldest American woman to compete at the worlds. She now has five skills named after her - two on the floor exercise, two on vault, and one on the balance beam...............
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Online mountaineer

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That she's still competitive at her age and after a break of 2 years is impressive. 

Offline Free Vulcan

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That she's still competitive at her age and after a break of 2 years is impressive.

No kidding. Gymnastic years are worse than dog years. She's the equivalent of 110 years old.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2023, 04:15:46 am by Free Vulcan »
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Offline Idiot

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The girl is super human. 

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