Author Topic: Jonathan Turley Savages Democrat Lawmaker for Using 'Ad Hominem' Attacks During Impeachment Inquiry  (Read 1260 times)

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Jonathan Turley Savages Democrat Lawmaker for Using 'Ad Hominem' Attacks During Impeachment Inquiry
By Jeff Charles | 10:50 AM on September 30, 2023

Legal analyst Jonathan Turley fired back at Democrats who attempted to smear his character during the first day of the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in his son, Hunter’s shady foreign business dealings. During the proceedings, some Democratic lawmakers chose to engage in vicious attacks on Turley instead of making substantive arguments against the inquiry.

Turley penned an op-ed in which he criticized Democrats for using ad hominem attacks against him instead of discussing the impeachment inquiry. He noted that during his testimony, he “laid out the constitutional and historical baseline for impeachment inquiries” and noted that while he did not believe “that the current evidence would support an actual article of impeachment,” he contended that “the evidence clearly satisfied the threshold for an impeachment inquiry.”

Democrats on social media deceptively edited a video clip of Turley’s comments to make it seem as if he argued that Biden should not be impeached. He then brought up Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), who tried to make it seem as if Turley supported pedophiles and polygamists.

    However, Krishnamoorthi did not challenge my analysis. He attacked me personally. In a truly bizarre moment, Krishnamoorthi denounced me as a defender of a criminal child molester and polygamist.

    Krishnamoorthi waved around a copy of a 2006 op-ed in The Guardian and an op-ed in USA Today to paint me as a supporter of Tom Green, a polygamist who was convicted of child rape.

    It was untrue and I attempted to respond, but Krishnamoorthi refused. He then quickly left the hearing.

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I Testified at Biden Impeachment Inquiry Hearing, But Found Myself on Trial
Jonathan Turley

When I was called to testify at yesterday’s first hearing on the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, I had no illusions.

Roughly 25 years ago, I testified at the hearing in the Clinton impeachment. Four years ago, I testified at the hearing in the first Trump impeachment. Each was followed by death threats and personal attacks.

In an example of hope over experience, I reminded the congressional members this week that these “are constitutional moments that demand the best from each of us in transcending the passions and politics of time.” I warned that this toxic environment begins with how members treat this moment and “members can choose to be either potent teachers for civil discourse or political rage.”

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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
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When a president gets into trouble, human instinct prevails and our tribal side comes out. The same ridiculous excuses that you hear Trump supporters make for the problems Trump has found himself in are just as ridiculous as the ones made for Biden. He’s being investigated for loving his son? Give me a break.

I don’t know what Jonathan Turley expected
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