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Nebraska woman sent to prison for giving daughter abortion pills


Nebraska woman sent to prison for giving daughter abortion pills
Jazz Shaw 4:01 PM on September 23, 2023

Abortion proponents in the United States will now have another “horror story” to tell people as they seek to influence governmental policy. If you follow this debate, you’ve no doubt heard the dire warnings about how if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned, ‘conservatives will start locking up women and doctors.’ Well, that’s not exactly what happened in Nebraska this week, but it was close and somebody did get locked up. The 42-year-old mother of a previously pregnant 17-year-old daughter pleaded guilty this summer to obtaining abortion pills and giving them to her child, resulting in a miscarriage. This week she was sentenced to two years in prison. But when you learn the details of what actually transpired, you might find that she still got off kind of easy. (NBC News)

--- Quote ---    A Nebraska mother who pleaded guilty to giving her teenage daughter pills for an abortion and helping to burn and bury the fetus was sentenced Friday to two years in prison.

    Jessica Burgess, 42, pleaded guilty in July to tampering with human remains, false reporting and providing an abortion after at least 20 weeks of gestation, which is illegal in Nebraska. Madison County District Judge Mark Johnson sentenced her Friday to one year in prison for each count…

    Her attorney, Brad Ewalt of Norfolk, sought probation, but the judge balked at that request. He said Burgess demonstrated that she knew she was breaking the state’s abortion law by initially lying to investigators about it and by going to “extraordinary means” to obtain the pills online instead of through a Nebraska medical provider, according to the Norfolk Daily News.
--- End quote ---

Looking at the initial description from NBC News, you might be tempted to think that the woman’s daughter had rung up a positive pregnancy test, she ordered some Plan B for her and they just moved on with their lives. But that wasn’t the case at all. (Disturbing content warning.) Her daughter Celeste wasn’t just “a little pregnant.” She was twenty weeks along in her term, fully into the third trimester, and close to the 24-week point where babies are considered viable outside the womb. (Some do survive if they are prematurely born at 20 weeks and can be put into a premie ICU.)


Kudos to Nebraska for upholding the law.


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