Author Topic: Tribalism, Fascism, Democrats  (Read 667 times)

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Tribalism, Fascism, Democrats
« on: September 21, 2023, 09:52:05 pm »

Tribalism is the tendency of humans to be kind, loyal and supportive to members of their own group, but sometimes murderous towards outsiders. The human tendency towards tribalism developed when our remote ancestors lived in small, genetically homogeneous tribes, competing for territory on the grasslands of Africa. Because marriage within a tribe was much more common than marriage outside it, genes were shared within the tribe. The tribe as a whole either survived or perished. The tribe, rather than the individual was the unit upon which the Darwinian forces of natural selection acted. Although it was a survival trait 1,00,000 years ago, tribalism threatens modern civilization.


Fascism is an essential component of socialism and Marxism. The Nazi Party called itself Social Democrats, while murdering millions of Jews, Russians, Poles, Americans, and homosexuals. Theirs was the Master Race, or tribe. The communist Soviet Union murdered and starved scores of millions of its own countrymen, while Chairman Mao murdered even more of his own tribe. So fascism, the concentration of power and virtual elimination of people's own individual rights, is at the far left of the political spectrum, in contrast to libertarianism, the object and desire of America's Founding Fathers, who eschewed fascistic power, the extreme of tribalism. America's Revolutionaries broke from the fascist King of England, who ruled with powerful yet cruel impunity.

Who are today's ultimate Darwinian Tribalists? No contest, it is the Muslims, who are aided and abetted by Leftists around the world, welcoming their conquering adversaries with welfare, concessions, weakness, and tolerance for those who would sweep away the very democratic systems that have benefited them for centuries, and replace those democracies with the deadly evil that has already murdered well over 400,000,000 humans of all races, colors, and nationalities around the globe, over a period of at least seven centuries.

The Ultimate Darwin Award goes to the Left, where it will remain forever.

"I have been made victorious through terror" (Bukhari 4.52.220) --Mohammad.

690 million non-Muslims murdered since the birth of Mohammed

The Pareto Distribution​

If you look at any creative endeavor that people engage in, almost everybody produces zero. A small minority are successful and a hyperminority are extremely successful. The square root of the number of people under consideration have half of the product. Then if you take that square root of people at the top, the square root of the square root, in other words, then they have half of that product.

This is expressed in Matthew. Those who have much shall be given more, and those who have little shall have that taken from them. Marx said this is a fault of capitalism. Actually, it is a natural law, like gravity. Gravity kills many people every year, and we cannot negate gravity any more than we can negate the effects of intelligence and

Mark Levin has published his newest book: The Democratic Party Hates America

Mark is as smart as Democrats are foolish.
5 Star Review by LMAO
The Book Commentary: "The book (Brilliant Creations - The Wonder of Nature and Life) is pure genius."
Review by John Orosz, M.D. "Wow, beyond outstanding. Please send me twenty signed copies for colleagues, family, and libraries."
"This book should be required reading for every teenager.  I was running every morning for twenty years with a genius." - Mike McCartney, D.D.S.
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Avice Marie Griffin, PhD, Clinical Psychologist

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Re: Tribalism, Fascism, Democrats
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2023, 10:07:09 pm »
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline ChemEngrMBA

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Re: Tribalism, Fascism, Democrats
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2024, 08:27:27 pm »
"Light at the end of the tunnel? We don't even have a tunnel - we don't even know where the tunnel is."— Lyndon B. Johnson

"When I first came to Washington, I thought the federal government was mismanaged. I was wrong. It's not managed at all." - Bill Clinton's Chief of Administrative Services  (I can't remember his name and can't find it in my files.  This is what you get from Democrats though. A rare honest remark.
5 Star Review by LMAO
The Book Commentary: "The book (Brilliant Creations - The Wonder of Nature and Life) is pure genius."
Review by John Orosz, M.D. "Wow, beyond outstanding. Please send me twenty signed copies for colleagues, family, and libraries."
"This book should be required reading for every teenager.  I was running every morning for twenty years with a genius." - Mike McCartney, D.D.S.
"You have the most agile mind of anyone I know." -
Avice Marie Griffin, PhD, Clinical Psychologist

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"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien