General Category > China

Xi’s Leadership Is in Crisis; Now Is the Time to Act

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--- Quote from: Free Vulcan on September 19, 2023, 08:07:44 pm ---I don't know. Right now they could just about cut us out of the loop and not have it really affect them much, other than maybe farm products.

Dump our paper assets, cut us off from chips for our supply chains, and restrict exports to us, reprioritize production to their trading bloc of nations, easing the worker shortage. Crash our financial sector, economy and ultimately demand for raw resources (making them cheaper), where else would they need us if they could trade with someone else for ag food resources, or commandeer us to produce them?

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I doubt that very much.  Taiwan is not going to just passively sit back and let the CCP take over.

Free Vulcan:

--- Quote from: Kamaji on September 19, 2023, 09:06:38 pm ---I doubt that very much.  Taiwan is not going to just passively sit back and let the CCP take over.

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I hope that too.


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