Exclusive – McCarthy: White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking PointsMatthew Boyle 17 Sep 2023 Washington, DC
Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House is already obstructing the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry announced by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) when it disseminated talking points to the media falsely claiming there was no evidence to begin the inquiry, McCarthy told Breitbart News exclusively.
McCarthy, who appeared on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said a document drafted by the White House counsel’s office and sent from formal White House staff to media outlets at the outset of the impeachment inquiry — which led to the false reports and the use of the disinformation talking point by many media outlets and Democrats allied with the White House—could amount to obstruction of the investigation.
“You’re 100 percent right,” McCarthy said when Breitbart News noted there is in fact evidence and the fake talking point the White House disseminated is disinformation. “And you just raised another issue that points to why we need impeachment inquiry to have the strength of our subpoenas because you now have the White House counsel. That talking point didn’t come from the campaign. It came from the taxpayer-paid White House counsel directly to media outlets. So think of the fear they have, whether they’re going to be allowed to go before government or others when you have the White House counsel threatening them to say investigate Republicans, there’s nothing here. I mean, right there is obstruction. Would you not question that? I would wonder is it not? It would be a question raised.”