Author Topic: Trump rules out seeking a third White House term if he wins reelection...[HUH!]  (Read 393 times)

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 Trump rules out seeking a third White House term if he wins reelection
by Brett Samuels - 09/17/23 10:12 AM ET

Former President Donald Trump in an interview airing Sunday said he would not seek a third term if he wins reelection, something that is barred by the Constitution.

“Meet the Press” moderator Kristen Welker asked Trump if there were “any scenario” where he would seek a third term in office, citing arguments from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and other rivals that Trump can only do so much for voters since he would be limited to one more term, while other candidates could win two terms.

“No,” Trump said. “Just so you understand, when DeSantis says that, he’s not your man. He’s not your man, I know it because he’s a very untalented guy.”

“When somebody says eight years, we need eight years, no. In six months to a year, many of the problems, almost all of the problems that you and I have just spoken about will be solved,” Trump added. “Anybody that says they need eight years, you don’t want that person.”

Trump is seeking to become the first person since former President Grover Cleveland to serve two non-consecutive terms in the White House. He’s currently the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2024, leading the vast majority of national and state level polls by double digits.

The Constitution would prevent Trump from seeking another term in the White House if he wins reelection.

The 22nd Amendment limits presidents to two four-year terms, a measure enacted after former President Franklin Roosevelt was elected to four terms.
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Offline Kamaji

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Trump is such a dipshit.

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“Anybody that says they need eight years, you don’t want that person.”
He's already had four and is asking for four more. You're right. I don't want that person because that person is you.
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Offline libertybele

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Trump is calling DeSantis untalented!   :rolling:  If he is so untalented then why won't you debate him????
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Offline Wingnut

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Heis not there yet, but he is starting to rival ole Joe in talking out his arse.
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Offline Hoodat

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He sounds just like his sycophant posters here, blurting out the first thing that pops in their heads without taking a moment to think it through.
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Offline Kamaji

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Trump is calling DeSantis untalented!   :rolling:  If he is so untalented then why won't you debate him????


Online roamer_1

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Heis not there yet, but he is starting to rival ole Joe in talking out his arse.

The voice is different, but the breath smells the same...  :whistle: :laugh:
