Author Topic: GOP rivals pounce on Trump after ex-prez fumbles when asked if a man ‘can become a woman’ by Megyn K  (Read 562 times)

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 GOP rivals pounce on Trump after ex-prez fumbles when asked if a man ‘can become a woman’ by Megyn Kelly
By Mary Kay Linge   
Published Sep. 16, 2023, 3:44 p.m. ET

Republican presidential candidate Gov. Ron DeSantis and other conservative critics took aim at former president Donald Trump for hedging this week on the explosive issue of transgenderism — and refusing to give a clear answer on whether he believes it’s possible to change one’s sex .

Trump responded with a long-drawn-out “Ummm” and an uncomfortable laugh when host Megyn Kelly, in a Thursday interview on her “The Megyn Kelly Show” on Sirius XM, asked: “Can a man become a woman?”

“In my opinion,” he finally said, shaking his head slightly, “you have a man, you have a woman.”

“I, I, I think part of it is birth,” he continued.

“Can the man give birth? No.”

But he seemed to leave the door open on that criterion.

“They’ll come up with some answer to that also someday,” Trump went on.

“I heard just the other day they have a way that now the man can give birth. No, I would say I’ll continue my stance on that.”

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"Republicans pounce..." We need a Election Season Buzzword Bingo card.
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   We knew this long ago when he said Caitlyn Jenner could use any bathroom he wished in Trump Tower.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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   We knew this long ago when he said Caitlyn Jenner could use any bathroom he wished in Trump Tower.

There's a lot of truth to that, @corbe   Thank you.

Once you personally know one of "these people", whether you walk away thinking it's a birth/mental defect or it's complete narcissistic a public figure, you STILL have to show respect for Jenner, whether it's Bruce or Caitlyn. 
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   We knew this long ago when he said Caitlyn Jenner could use any bathroom he wished in Trump Tower.

Yeah... And back-east folks think it's alright.  *****rollingeyes***** **nononono*