State Chapters > NY/NJ

New York City to cut up to 15% of its budget to pay for illegal immigrant crisis — migrants to cost


$12 BILLION!!!  Let's Go Brandon!! !!!!    9999hair out0000 9999hair out0000

New York City to cut up to 15% of its budget to pay for illegal immigrant crisis — migrants to cost at least $12B

New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that there will be budget cuts of more than 15% to deal with the costs of a massive influx of illegal immigrants to the city.

With an estimated cost of $12 billion over the next three fiscal years, the city is scrambling to come up with ways to afford the crisis, as it appears to be unwilling to rescind its status as a sanctuary city.

Adams recently stated that the influx of migrants "will destroy New York City," as the Big Apple has completely run out of space to house the foreigners. "The is no more room," Adams said in early August 2023.

The latest budget cuts were said to “minimize disruption to programs and services," but "there will not be layoffs,” the New York Daily News reported.

From the current budget of $107 billion, there would be an initial 5% cut ahead of the city's budget update in November 2023. Without federal or state aid, this could result in another 5% in January 2024 and an additional 5% in April 2024............

It's not going to be enough.
Many more migrants will be coming.
Maybe to double the number there now, or even more.

Keep busing 'em North!


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