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NYPD overtime to be cut to help pay for migrant crisis


NYPD overtime to be cut to help pay for migrant crisis — even as crime remains higher than before COVID

By Carl Campanile
Published Sep. 10, 2023

Overtime for NYPD cops will be cut to help pay for the city’s migrant crisis — even as police battle to rein in crime that is still higher than before the pandemic.

Mayor Eric Adams’ budget director, Jacques Jiha, has told the city’s four uniformed agencies — police, fire, sanitation and corrections — to come up with plans to slash their OT costs.

“The mayor will … issue a directive to implement an overtime reduction initiative for our city’s four uniformed agencies (NYPD, FDNY, DOC/DSNY),” Jiha said in a memo sent to city agencies Saturday “These agencies must submit a plan to reduce year-to-year OT spending.”

The uniformed agencies must submit issue monthly reports to City Hall “to track overtime spending and their progress in meeting the reduction target,” the memo said.

The order comes as Adams has warned that the recent flood of tens of thousands of asylum seekers into the Big Apple will “destroy” it, including by crippling it financially.

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 NYPD can expect a flood of retirements after NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ proposal to slash overtime for migrant cost-cutting: sources
By Jesse O’Neill,
Carl Campanile and
Craig McCarthy   
Published Sep. 11, 2023, 7:43 p.m. ET

The NYPD can expect a brain drain thanks to a flood of retirements if overtime is cut as proposed by Mayor Adams to help plug a multibillion-dollar, migrant-fueled budget hole, police sources say.

“A lot of people that are eligible to retire are going to leave if the overtime stops because overtime is pensionable,” an NYPD sergeant said Monday.

New York’s Finest “haven’t heard anything officially” about a potential reduction in overtime, but the source told The Post that such a move wouldn’t make financial sense.

“We’re already at critical staffing levels, and it’s cheaper to pay overtime than it is to hire another officer,” the source said, explaining that health care and other benefits had already been paid for when an existing officer picks up a shift.

In addition to possible police, fire, sanitation and correction OT cuts, all branches of government in the Big Apple have been told to slash spending by 5% — and potentially up to 15% by spring — to mitigate the “skyrocketing costs” of New York City’s migrant crisis without more federal aid.

Recent city initiatives such as special education pre-K expansion, rent supplement for families with children and additional litter-basket collection should also be ripe for the chopping block, according to budget watchdogs.


The death spiral continues.

How long before they need Snake Plisskin?

Smokin Joe:
How about cuts in the city government that don't work where the rubber meets the road?

The cuts are always the same: Police, Fire, Sanitation, schools,  but not the administrative city government.


--- Quote from: mystery-ak on September 12, 2023, 01:05:54 am ---The NYPD can expect a brain drain thanks to a flood of retirements if overtime is cut as proposed by Mayor Adams to help plug a multibillion-dollar, migrant-fueled budget hole, police sources say.

--- End quote ---

This isn't a "migrant-fueled" budget hole.  It is an idiot-fueled budget hole.  Illegals shouldn't be costing them a dime.  Stop giving them free stuff, and you will no longer have a migrant problem.


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