Author Topic: WV Gov Hopeful Moore Capito Wearing Flak-Jacket in Campaign Photo Despite Never Serving in Military  (Read 626 times)

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Kristina Wong 7 Sep 2023

A leading West Virginia gubernatorial candidate, Moore Capito (R), son of Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), features a photo of himself on his campaign website that some critics say appears aimed at misleading voters into thinking he is a veteran.

The photo, which appears in the “Get to Know Moore” section of his campaign website, features Moore wearing a camouflage flak jacket and carrying a helmet on an airstrip with a military plane in the background.

His bio does not claim he served in the military, and only says:

    After graduating college, Moore worked in Washington, D.C. to begin his career in public service. He worked for the Republican Majority in the United States Congress, traveled in support of the President as a member of The White House advance team, and served on the staff of the Secretary of Defense.


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Veterans for Trump Chairman Urges Moore Capito to Apologize for ‘Shameful Stolen Valor’

Veterans for Trump called on Moore Capito, a leading West Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate, to apologize for “shameful stolen valor” after he featured a photo of himself on his campaign website that critics say appears to mislead voters into thinking he is a veteran.
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Offline sneakypete

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Was he in an area at that time where flak jackets were useful/mandatory?

I see this as no big deal IF he was visiting a combat area as a part of his job requirement. Wearing flak jackets can be mandatory  at some big airfields in foreign nations.

A BIG "nothing burger" that can either be dismissed  or used to beat his career to death  by  some reporter simply asking him if he was in a combat zone at the time that photo was taken,and WHERE was the combat zone,and WHEN was he there.

Hell,Bob Hope used to go to combat zones all the time,and you can bet he wore flak jackets and helmets when they were necessary.

Even hotties like Goldie Hawn and Raquel Welch visited combat zones.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline mystery-ak

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Was he in an area at that time where flak jackets were useful/mandatory?

I see this as no big deal IF he was visiting a combat area as a part of his job requirement. Wearing flak jackets can be mandatory  at some big airfields in foreign nations.

A BIG "nothing burger" that can either be dismissed  or used to beat his career to death  by  some reporter simply asking him if he was in a combat zone at the time that photo was taken,and WHERE was the combat zone,and WHEN was he there.

Hell,Bob Hope used to go to combat zones all the time,and you can bet he wore flak jackets and helmets when they were necessary.

Even hotties like Goldie Hawn and Raquel Welch visited combat zones.

He worked for the DOD at one time so maybe he was in a combat zone...if that's the case he needs to speak up..
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I don't see the big deal, you can get something similar for $40 bucks on Ebay, and Nam era ones for around $200. I didn't see it as restricted for ex-military....

If Moore Capito had claimed military in some fashion and wasn't, give him heck, but this photo doesn't give credence to anything. Just my two cents. I have some body armor (all black) that looks like that, anyone that has a problem with it can kiss my butt.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 09:02:07 pm by Sighlass »
Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....

Offline sneakypete

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He worked for the DOD at one time so maybe he was in a combat zone...if that's the case he needs to speak up..


The problem with that is this new "gotcha world" we live in. He can deny it until he is blue in the face,but his denials will be ignored unless some prominent news organization or politician gives him a public "stage" to state the conditions,if any that
required him to wear it.

The media of today is quick to accuse,and damned slow to give the accused a chance to dispute the charges in public. It's all about headlines that sell advertising,not truth.

Also,consider the basic fact that it SEEMS to be human nature to remember serious accusations against someone in the media as established FACTS,and damn  near nobody remembers when/if those "facts" are proven wrong.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 09:11:54 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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He does not appear to be in uniform, and not in full "battle rattle". He isn't packing a weapon.

Even reporters in some combat zones wear body armor.

If his work at DOD had him on the ground somewhere this was appropriate, then so be it.
At least let the man explain before turning the dogs loose.

Heck, that could just be prudent evening wear in half the Blue Cities...
« Last Edit: September 09, 2023, 07:25:15 am by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
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Offline ScottinVA

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I’m not seeing the controversy here.  Did Capito claim to be a veteran?  If not, what’s so offensive about wearing a flak jacket?  I served 28 years in the military and see no issue with it.

Offline mountaineer

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Meh. My problem with Moore Capito is that I suspect he's a squishy on things that matter to conservatives as his mother, U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito. A more conservative candidate for governor is current W.Va. Attorney General Patrick Morrisey.
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