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Secret Service agent who was with JFK raises new questions about assassination

By Patrick Reilly
Published Sep. 10, 2023

A former Secret Service agent who was with President John F. Kennedy when he was assassinated in Dallas nearly 60 years ago has raised new questions about the infamous “magic bullet” theory and the possibility multiple shooters involved.

Paul Landis, now 88, was a young agent tasked with protecting first lady Jackie Kennedy as the president’s motorcade paraded through the city in 1963.

He recalls hearing the gunshot ring out in Dealy Plaza while he was walking just feet away from the president in 1963, he told The New York Times. He then heard an additional two shots and saw Kennedy keeled over in the back of the open limousine.

Landis said he had to duck down to avoid being splattered by brains.

From there, Landis’ account differs from the government’s official findings: In the ensuing chaos, he claims he picked up a bullet that was lodged in the back seat of the car where Kennedy had been sitting and placed it on the president’s hospital stretcher for investigators.

The 6.5 mm bullet, which had long been thought to have been found on the stretcher of Texas Gov.John Connally after it fell from a wound in his thigh.

Dubbed “the magic bullet,” The Warren Commission concluded that the shot, fired by lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald, had incredibly passed through Kennedy’s throat from the rear, then hit Connally’s right shoulder, then somehow also wounded his back, chest, wrist and thigh.

The report found that one of the shots missed the motorcade, another was the “magic bullet,” and the final shot fatally struck Kennedy in the head.

Landis placed the bullet on Kennedy’s stretcher at the hospital, but now believes at some point the bullet shuffled from the president’s to the governor’s stretchers while they were pushed together, he told The Times.

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 Secret Service agent who was with JFK raises new questions about assassination
By Patrick Reilly   
Published Sep. 10, 2023, 1:25 a.m. ET

A former Secret Service agent who was with President John F. Kennedy when he was assassinated in Dallas nearly 60 years ago has raised new questions about the infamous “magic bullet” theory and the possibility multiple shooters involved.

Paul Landis, now 88, was a young agent tasked with protecting first lady Jackie Kennedy as the president’s motorcade paraded through the city in 1963.

He recalls hearing the gunshot ring out in Dealy Plaza while he was walking just feet away from the president in 1963, he told The New York Times. He then heard an additional two shots and saw Kennedy keeled over in the back of the open limousine.

Landis said he had to duck down to avoid being splattered by brains.

From there, Landis’ account differs from the government’s official findings: In the ensuing chaos, he claims he picked up a bullet that was lodged in the back seat of the car where Kennedy had been sitting and placed it on the president’s hospital stretcher for investigators.

The 6.5 mm bullet, which had long been thought to have been found on the stretcher of Texas Gov.John Connally after it fell from a wound in his thigh.

Dubbed “the magic bullet,” The Warren Commission concluded that the shot, fired by lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald, had incredibly passed through Kennedy’s throat from the rear, then hit Connally’s right shoulder, then somehow also wounded his back, chest, wrist and thigh.

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