Author Topic: Weissmann: Giuliani Potential Cooperating Witness, He ‘Is in a World of Hurt’  (Read 1173 times)

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Weissmann: Giuliani Potential Cooperating Witness, He ‘Is in a World of Hurt’

Pam Key 8 Sep 2023

Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Weissmann said Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that one of former President Donald Trump’s attorneys, Rudy Giuliani, is in a “world of hurt” because he is “about to be wiped out financially” so he could become a cooperating witness in the Georgia RICO case.

Weissmann said, “Cooperators can come from all sorts of places.”

He added, “I would say if I were guessing, and I used to not think this, but Rudy Giuliani – I’m not sure a great cooperating witness – but he is in a, just a world of hurt. He is about to be wiped out financially in the Ruby Freeman/Shaye Moss case. The decision by former Chief Judge Howell makes it plain she believes he’s sitting on some discovery that he desperately does not want to turn over. That is why he’s in the position he’s in with a summary judgment against him and only damages to be decided.”

He continued, “He is selling sort of his last known asset, his apartment. In Georgia, he’s facing not just sort of big picture crime but also the civil case, facing the criminal side of that which has such incredible jury appeal. Because it’s not just democracy writ large, but it is the victimizing of two people just doing their job.”

Weissmann concluded, “He knows. He somebody who is a former U.S. attorney like Chris Christie and is a rational actor. Interesting to see what he does because there’s just so much pressure on him, on the criminal and civil side.”
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Online libertybele

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My hunch is Giuliani is going to say and do whatever he needs to about Trump in order to save his own hide.  He's a NY liberal.  He'll sing like a canary.
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My hunch is Giuliani is going to say and do whatever he needs to about Trump in order to save his own hide.  He's a NY liberal.  He'll sing like a canary.

So is Trump, BTW.