Author Topic: Analyst: Project Kuiper still a good idea?  (Read 1315 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Analyst: Project Kuiper still a good idea?
« on: September 09, 2023, 12:14:20 am »
Advanced Television 9/8/2023

Analysts at MoffettNathanson Research (MN), in a deep dive into prospects for Amazon’s Project Kuiper broadband mega-constellation, are asking some tough questions.

They point out that as well as being head-to-head with Elon Musk’s Starlink, along with other would-be players in the orbital broadband space, Amazon is also facing considerable criticism from its own shareholders over the project with predictions of a $10 billion cost implication – at least.


“To cut to the chase, we believe the LEO satellite broadband opportunity remains limited to rural markets and to use-cases not traditionally served by terrestrial broadband providers. LEO constellations, even in aggregate, simply don’t have sufficient usable capacity to serve as a replacement for terrestrial alternatives. For Amazon, despite Kuiper’s immense scale, it pales in comparison to Amazon’s expansive reach, and we’re hard pressed to see the strategic benefits to the company’s core businesses,” MN states bluntly.
