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Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help

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Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help

By Nicholas McEntyre
Published Sep. 7, 2023

Mayor Eric Adams warned that the raging migrant crisis will “destroy” New York City and tore into President Biden for ignoring his pleas for help, saying that the White House has given “no support” for the thousands of asylum seekers arriving each month.

“I’m gonna tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I didn’t see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this.” Adams said at a town hall on the Upper West Side Wednesday night. “This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City.”

Hizzoner took aim at Biden for not stepping in with federal assistance as the city received more than 110,000 migrants in the past year.

“Month after month I stood up and said this is gonna come to a neighborhood near you. Well, we’re here, we’re getting no support on this national crisis, and we’re receiving no support,” Adams said.

Adams also blasted Texas Gov. Greg Abbott as a “madman” for bussing illegal border crossers to New York and other liberal cities.

“Go item for item on what Eric Adams ran for as a candidate and look at what we accomplished in 20 months we turned this city around in 20 months and then what happened?” Adams said.

“Started with a madman down in Texas who decided he wanted to bus people up to New York City.”

*  *  *


No, Mr. Adams, the madman isn't in Texas; the madman is in D.C., in the White House to be exact.  Face it, this is precisely what you and the other democrats voted for, so suck it up, buttercup.

Yes, Mayor Adams, the migrant crisis is ‘destroying’ NYC — but YOU have to fix it

By NY Post Editorial Board
Published Sep. 7, 2023

In what’s becoming a familiar refrain, Eric Adams teed off on the migrant crisis during a town hall Wednesday night.

“I’m gonna tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I didn’t see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this.” he lamented.

“This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City.”


So what are you going to do about it?

You are the mayor of New York City. This is why the people elected you — to solve problems.

To make sure that Gotham doesn’t fall.

Yet you’re acting like the guy with the “End of Days” sign outside of Penn Station, a bystander to your own disaster.

We don’t need more rants. We need solutions.

First, let’s lay the blame where it belongs: President Joe Biden.

It’s his open border policies, and complete disregard for NYC, that have fueled this crisis.

Fellow Democrat Kathy Hochul has been no help, refusing to suffer any political backlash as governor for accepting migrants outside of New York City.

It is your fellow Democrats, not Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who are behind this.

Abbott, whom you call a “madman,” bused a tiny fraction of the migrants here today, but guess what? This is where they all wanted to come anyway.

Why? Because you are beholden, not to a law or a court decision, but to an “agreement” struck with ultra-liberal groups decades ago that claims New York City has a “right to shelter.”

*  *  *


Joe Biden is doing this to New York City, and many others across the nation.

... keep sending those buses up North ... it's creating division within the Dem Party.


--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on September 07, 2023, 02:15:11 pm ---Joe Biden is doing this to New York City, and many others across the nation.

... keep sending those buses up North ... it's creating division within the Dem Party.

--- End quote ---

Idiots will still vote Rat.  Not that the Republicans would make any difference, mind you.


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